Speedboard Post Net Promoter Score of 63%

We are delighted to report a Net Promoter Score (NPS) of 63% following our very first NPS survey conducted in March 2018.

We contracted a consultant to call at least three key customer contacts at each and everyone of our customers.  These included the CEO, Head of R&D and our daily point of contact.

  • We had a 90% response rate by contact.
  • We had a 100% response rate by customer. (i.e. at least 1 person responded from every customer)
  • We had 0 detractors (scores from 0 – 6)
  • We had 16 passives (scores from 7 – 8)
  • We had 27 promoters (scores from 9 – 10)

This gives a NPS score of 63%

“There is always room to improve and Speedboard has a great history of continuous improvement.  However, we are absolutely delighted with these scores and the positive feedback from our customers.  We will now use the data to help identify further opportunities to “wow” our customers over the coming years.” – Neil Owen – MD


The Net Promoter Score & Net Promoter System

The Net Promoter Score is a customer satisfaction, customer experience and loyalty indicator that measures the likelihood of customers to recommend a company, product or service to a friend or colleague. The Net Promoter Score asks one question which rates responses based on a 0 to 10 scale.

For more information and industry scores please visit: https://npsbenchmarks.com

The Net Promoter Score® is a customer loyalty metric originally formulated by Fred Reichheld, Bain & Company and Satmetrix in 2003. It segments customers into three types based on a 0 to 10 scale: passives, detractors and promoters.

With the Net Promoter Score companies can gauge the health of their customer experience program, and in turn work to improve their customer experience with the Net Promoter System®.

Source of information: npsbenchmarks.com